Sunday, April 10, 2016

The way the spirit guides

                                                                                      Written February 29, 2016

This week was so good! I had a great time in the work of the Lord this week! I’m still tired but I guess that’s just part of the deal! It was a great week.

So I will tell you why. We went to a little town this week that is really famous for their cheap clothes called Zapotlanejo and so we went and visited a couple of people and someone had sent a reference
and we finally had time to go visit them! we were searching for no joke 2 hours walking up and down streets and asking people for directions. Finally we were so close and asked an old man that looked like john Wayne where the street was and he said right there... It was a like hidden and he asked who are you looking for and we told him luz flor and he said she died last week...

I was like oh my goodness... and sadly started to walk away.

My comp said lets go anyways see if we can help the fam feel better and so we went and there was nobody home, a couple of trucks pulled up full of people and one of my comps asked how they were doing and they

said bad and sad... that they had just buried there mom and they were very heart felt for that reason.

We shared a little message with them about the plan of salvation and they were so happy to receive us.There were so many people there and they all said that we could come back to visit them and I said sweet

and I offered a prayer and we had to go because the bus was going to leave. And they all said thanks and some had tears in their eyes...

Can you imagine if we had just found the house in 5 mins? We wouldn’t have found them...

gtg but I love you all!!!!

Elder Andy

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